International Rights

The Almost Epic Squad: What Blows Up

By: Ted Staunton
Illustrated by: Britt Wilson
  • ISBN 9781443157827, Hardcover
  • 176 Pages | Ages 8 to 12

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? How about the ability to move things with your mind? But what if concentration and coordination weren't your strongest skills?

Thirteen-year-old Gary Lundborg often knows all the right moves, but in the middle of an epic growth spurt, his execution is more disastrous than dazzling these days. Can he master his new powers and become the basketball star he wants to be? Well, first he must save the world!

It turns out there are forces both good and evil who have had their eyes on Gary and three other “special” kids since their exposure at birth to a mysterious element called reidium. Gary's gifts are called on by secret government Department C, in charge of problems no one else takes seriously, to thwart the evil mastermind The Boss and her equally evil henchwoman Malevia Spleene in their quest to secure all the world's reidium!

Rights Sold

French (N. Amer.) – Éditions Scholastic

Selling Points

• Fast-paced fun and engaging writing for all reading levels, including reluctant readers
• Laugh-out-loud funny.
• Dream team of media-savvy authors.
• Illustration and design make this a highly desirable package.


  • Commended, TD Summer Reading Club, Top Recommended Read, 2021
  • Commended, TD Summer Reading Club Selection, 2021