5 Ways to Accelerate Learning with Magazines+
If you’re looking to accelerate learning this year, you need a source of engaging grade-level content that’s easy to implement and filled with scaffolding and support. Magazines+ is here to help with fresh, of-the-moment resources that build the knowledge and skills students need to thrive at their grade level.
1. Maximize Student Engagement
Motivating students to tackle grade-level content is an essential part of any acceleration strategy. Drive student interest and boost participation with deeply relevant, culturally responsive texts on critical content-area topics.

2. Ramp Up Background Knowledge

Lacking sufficient background knowledge creates another roadblock for readers striving to keep up with their peers. Increase vital content-area knowledge through short, relevant texts and videos on hundreds of popular topics.
3. Prioritize Social and Emotional Learning

Create a safe and supportive environment for learning with SEL resources that focus on student well- being. Easily integrate SEL into ANY content area with key competencies woven into our texts and lessons.
4. Meet Student Needs Without Remediation

Reteaching students what they’ve already learned is not the most effective way to bring them up to grade-level proficiency. Provide just- right scaffolding and support with multiple reading levels, Text-to-Speech audio, leveled assessments and other powerful differentiation tools.
5. Get More Out of Your Tech Investment

Your school has probably made some upgrades during the pandemic. Get the most out of them with a digital platform that seamlessly integrates with Google Classroom and most other Learning Management Systems. Because it’s so easy to use, Magazines+ requires no training and minimal onboarding. Plus, it works flawlessly on any device, in classrooms or at home.
See the Evidence

A wealth of high-quality research shows that Magazines+ “are valuable tools for engaging students in literacy and enhancing opportunities for them to read with deep comprehension across disciplines and topics.”1
Download our research foundation paper >
1. Scholastic Classroom Magazines Research Foundation. (2021). Scholastic Research and Validation, 14.