Read Me a Book
- ISBN 9781443148498, Board Books
- 26 Pages | Ages up to to 3
Barbara Reid’s celebration of reading and sharing has a fresh, new look!
Best-selling author and illustrator Barbara Reid has created a colourful celebration of the pleasures of reading to babies and young children, any time and anywhere. Warm and detailed Plasticine illustrations of adults and children reading together join with bouncy, rhythmic verse to invite children and parents to share the joy of reading indoors and out, at any time of day!
The perfect gift for new parents, Read Me a Book reminds us that reading to young children is key to the development of literacy and the enjoyment of learning — plus the simple text also makes it great for kids just learning to read back to their parents.
Rights Sold
English (Australia) – Scholastic Australia, French (N. Amer.) – Éditions Scholastic
Selling Points
• Reid’s three-dimensional Plasticine illustrations are instantly recognizable and widely popular.
• Like Rosemary Wells’s Read To Your Bunny, this title has become a classic first book to share with a young child.
• Learning to read is a topic close to the hearts of parents and teachers.
- Short-listed, Debbie Zimmerman Early Years Niagara Literary Award, 2005
- Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, 2008
- Commended, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Our Choice, 2005
- Commended, Canadian Toy Testing Council, Great Books of the Year, 2005

More books by Barbara Reid
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Maral Maclagan, Senior Manager, Rights & Contracts, Scholastic Canada Ltd., mmaclagan@scholastic.ca.