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Shar Levine

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Shar Levine is an award-winning, bestselling Canadian children's author who has written over 55 books and kits. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, but you can visit her at


  • Dirty Science: 25 Experiments with Soil, Winner, Outstanding Youth Book, Canadian Science Writers' Association, 2014
  • Dirty Science: 25 Experiments with Soil, Commended, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Our Choice, 2014
  • Dirty Science: 25 Experiments with Soil, Commended, Resource Links, Best of the Year, 2013
  • Hockey Science: 25 Winning Experiments, Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, 2013
  • Hockey Science: 25 Winning Experiments, Commended, OLA Best Bets, 2013
  • Snowy Science: 25 Cool Experiments, Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, 2012