Before the Fair

3, 2, 1…Book Fair!

The countdown is ON to the best day of the year—and everything you need to know to bring the Bookjoy is right here. Your Kick-off Kit arrives a few weeks before the Fair begins, but feel free to get a jump-start on your planning at any time. Get ready to roll!

Essential To-dos:

  • Confirm your Fair dates.
  • Promote the Fair.
  • Schedule teacher and student previews.


See the Full Checklist

First Steps

How do you get ready to host your school’s Fair? Start HERE!

Prepare for the Fair

Make it official by accepting your Book Fair Acknowledgement and confirming your school’s Fair dates. Next, you’ll want to:

  • schedule a planning call and keep your eyes peeled for your Kick-off Kit,
  • watch helpful explainer videos,
  • rally a team of volunteers,
  • and set your Book Fair goal and customize your homepage.

Promote the Fair

Whether you’re a first-time Fair organizer or an experienced host, the resources in the Promo Guide make promoting your school’s Book Fair easier than ever.

Spread the Word

Now’s the time to tell everyone: Book Fair fun’s about to drop!

  • Share your school’s Fair homepage with families and teachers.
  • Personalize and send the letter from your principal.
  • Post save-the-date announcements in your school’s social media channels and newsletter.
  • Hang signs around campus and update your school marquee.
Explore the Promo Guide

Hype the Books

Make sure everyone knows what’s waiting at the Fair: kids’ favourite characters, bestsellers, new releases, and books they won’t find anywhere else.

  • Send printed booklists home with kids and share digital booklists with families.
  • Broadcast book trailers to give students a sneak peek of the books at the Fair.
  • Ask teachers and staff to start Booktalking.
Meet the Books

Plan Activities and Events

Get everybody geared up to shop the Fair when you prep sneak peeks, family events, and special activities.

Start Planning Events

Organize a Teacher Preview

Invite teachers to preview the Fair before it opens for the kids. This teachers-only event helps them stock their classroom libraries with new books.

  • Encourage them to create a Classroom Wish List so shoppers can donate specific books to classroom libraries.
  • Ask teachers to fill out shelf-talkers with their book recommendations.

Arrange Student Previews

Give kids a chance to browse the Fair and make a wish list before it’s time to shop.

  • Create a sign-up schedule where teachers can reserve a time slot for their class.
  • Welcome each class after the Fair is set up and distribute student wish lists on clipboards with pencils.
  • Send wish lists home with students.

Amp Up the Vibe

Get ready for Bookjoy! Stir up more Book Fair fun by planning community-wide activities and family events to build excitement.

  • Organize contests and activities to get kids pumped about the Book Fair.
  • Plan a family event when students can invite their family (remind them to include the grandparents!) and friends.
  • Encourage parents and caregivers to visit the Fair by hosting special events just for them.

More to Explore

Watch explainer videos and brush up on more helpful info in the Host Hub Learning Lab.

Check It Out