Teaching mindfulness to your students can have a positive impact on their daily life and overall well-being. Mindfulness activities, like guided meditations and breathing exercises, can help reduce stress, enhance focus, and harness positive energy.
Here are some great mindfulness activities for students that will greatly benefit their social-emotional skills and academic performance during brain breaks or any time of the day.
Breathing techniques are key to an effective mindfulness practice. Certain breathing exercises can help your students tap into their parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of the nervous system that helps the body relax and remain calm when stress strikes.
Try this mindfulness breathing exercise: Ask your students to sit still and close their eyes. Have them take three deep breaths slowly, concentrating on the physical sensations of breathing in and out. With each deep breath, your students can focus on the present moment and ease tension in their bodies.
Belly Breathe has a wealth of breathing exercises that your students can use for different high-pressure situations.
Mediation is a powerful way to begin the day and can be done in a classroom setup. Meditation promotes mindfulness by helping individuals practise more self-awareness and focus.
Guide your students through a simple, five-minute meditation by playing peaceful music in the background and having your students sit with their backs upright and their hands on their desks or laps. Then, take a few calming breaths: breathe in deeply for three seconds and exhale for three seconds.
Next, choose a theme you’d like the class to focus on, such as what a good day at school would look like for them. Have your students visualize elements of their ideal school day, then ask them what they can do to make their day productive and happy, and what they can each do to help their friends and classmates do the same.
Follow Your Breath! A First Book of Mindfulness is the perfect child-friendly introduction to mindfulness, providing comprehensive factual information on each spread and mindfulness activities that follow the story.
Journaling is one of the best ways to practise mindfulness daily. In fact, writing and reading make for great brain breaks! Writing about your feelings — whether it’s for a guided prompt or just freeform — promotes good mental health for students of all ages, from elementary to middle school.
As one of your mindfulness practices, devote 5 to 10 minutes before lessons in the morning to journal. This activity not only helps your students set a positive tone for the day, but it’s also a good opportunity for them to practise their vocabulary and spelling skills.
You can even create a daily mindfulness exercise, where students can pull ideas out of a mindfulness jar. Ask your students to write one thing that helps them feel better throughout the day; some examples are doing yoga, breathing, practising gratitude, hugging a friend — anything that helps them stay zen — and place these ideas into the jar. Students are welcome to pull ideas out of the jar whenever they need a boost.
Zen Happiness contains 12 resonant sayings to inspire happiness and mindfulness paired with profoundly beautiful Zen-inspired illustrations featuring a lovable, peaceful panda neighbour.
Start each school day on a good note by asking students to share things they’re grateful for. This mindfulness exercise can be as simple as going around the room to ask each student what they’re grateful for or having them write it in their notebooks.
Practising mindfulness can be a group effort: Create a bulletin board full of big and small things that each student is thankful for in their lives — their families, their pets, how the sunshine feels, their favourite books and movies — anything and everything counts! This display serves as a reminder to focus on the good things.
What is Peace? is a stunning, thought-provoking look at finding peace in children’s lives. This book explores peace and invites young readers to think about what that means to them, in whatever form it takes.
Your students’ individual actions have a direct impact on the emotional wellbeing of others around them. With this in mind, ask your students what they can do to brighten their classmates’ days in small ways, then hold them to it.
The Circles All Around Us is a moving take on how we can create bigger and bigger circles of community and connections as we grow. This book is the perfect way to start a conversation about how to expand our worlds with kindness and inclusivity, even if it seems scary or uncomfortable.
Originally published by Teaching Tools on October 24, 2023. Versioned for Scholastic Canada.
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