Discover the joy of reading with Book Clubs and Book Fairs

Scholastic Editors • August 31, 2023 Topicsback to school Book Clubs classroom September teachers

Save on Back-to-School Classroom Supplies for Teachers

These tips will help you organize and decorate your classroom for less.

With back-to-school season in full swing, you don’t have to break the bank to replenish your classroom supplies. Budget-friendly essentials will keep your classroom organized, give your students a welcoming space for learning, and stock your library with engaging books your students will love.

From pocket charts to bulletin boards, these cost-effective tips and supplies will help you build your classroom from scratch—or give it a refresh for less.

1. Invest in Book Packs

Book packs and collections are a great way to replenish your library with titles your students will love for less. Our value packs allow you to buy age- and reading level-appropriate books in bulk. You can also get a variety of read-alouds and early chapter books under $10 and book collections under $25.

With all of these budget-friendly options, exposing your students to different genres and reading formats is more accessible.

2. Get Creative With Pocket Charts

Pocket charts have a variety of uses in the classroom, from organizing daily schedules to setting class jobs.

Use them to give your students a snapshot of the class reading list by displaying what books they can look forward to reading in the coming days or months. Or, use an arts and crafts session to allow your students to decorate the slates for the charts. The sky’s the limit!

3. Build Your Bulletin Board

Your classroom bulletin boards are not only a great way to keep your classroom organized, but they can also be used as an additional learning resource for your students. Whether your class is learning about STEM concepts like math or studying different book genres, you can use a bulletin board to highlight certain facts, provide examples of learning materials, and showcase your students’ work.

Check out all of our bulletin boards to get ideas on how to maximize them.

Originally published by Teaching Tools on Jul 17, 2023. Versioned for Scholastic Canada.