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Amanda Livingston • September 1, 2022 Topicsback to school Book Clubs Book Fairs classroom parents reading aloud reading fluency

10 Benefits of Having a Library Card

Originally published by On Our Minds on September 16, 2021

The library was a second home to me when I was a kid—I was lucky enough to live within walking distance to the library in my hometown, and loved tearing through the stacks after school and finding new books to escape in and take home with me.

With a library card, I was able to explore my interests and dive deeper into the types of stories that resonated with me, as well as learn more about stories and people I might not have gotten to learn about otherwise. The library in my town was fantastic—the librarians were incredibly helpful and friendly, and I spent many afternoons studying in the open spaces with my friends.

You already know you can borrow free books from the library, but what else can you do with a library card?

Here are ten benefits of having a library card that you might not be aware of, and that might convince you to sign up for one if you haven’t already:

  • Free museum passes: Going to museums can be expensive! You can gain access to museums you may have never been to before for free.
  • Free ebook downloads: With the Libby app, Overdrive, or Simply E, you can borrow and download hundreds of thousands of ebooks for free at the drop of a hat.
  • Free movie streaming: If you have a library card, you also have access to thousands of movies for free streaming.
  • Read old newspapers and magazines for free: Many libraries offer access to old newspapers and magazines that you can look through physically or digitally for free.
  • Learn a new language for free: Taking classes to learn a new language can be expensive. Many libraries across the country offer online learning programs for dozens of different languages.
  • Learn new skills: Libraries often offer free classes/programs where you can learn a new skill, craft, or explore career development opportunities.
  • Quiet study spaces: Libraries have spaces for you to study, work, or read in peace and quiet.
  • Free Wifi: Libraries also offer free Wifi for you to study, work, or read.
  • Software/database access for free: Many libraries offer access to databases and software like Adobe Creative Cloud or LexisNexis for people to use at their leisure or for professional purposes.
  • Librarians: Lastly, librarians are such an important free resource. They can assist you in answering questions and giving recommendations, as well as provide support within your community.